Constructed to high eco-friendly standards with built-in solar panels

New homes will be built with low to zero carbon emissions and have less environmental impact than in the past. They will be more energy efficient and consideration given to green methods of construction. In line with our community wealth building ethos of keeping money in our region, they will be built using local firms and workers. Solar panelling will be a feature of the properties reducing homeowner energy consumption and costs, whilst at the same time helping to tackle climate change.

They will be constructed to a high standard, using modular construction of advanced timber technologies that are extremely durable, and which lock away carbon in their construction. With integrated solar panels and the highest quality insulation, these homes are warm and very cheap to run. A huge proportion of homes in Scandinavia, Canada and elsewhere use these methods – the UK is lagging behind.

I will fund a business case with the aim of setting up a publicly owned company or partnership to establish a modular homes factory in our region, providing high quality, unionised employment, reducing the ecological impact of home building, and accelerating the rate at which homes can be built. Modular eco-homes can be built in days compared to the months of traditional construction methods. All the while keeping the money we spend in our region.

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